Sunday, September 06, 2009

Dissecting the Divine Book (Part 2)

This video series is made as a rebuttal to the Islamic propaganda video "The Divine Book." Dissecting the Divine Book addresses the claims that are being made by the various personalities that appear in the Islamic video, and refutes the misrepresentations and mishandling of facts that appear therein.

(Note: I haven't been able to receive the audio files for the voice-overs yet. Thus, the video does not have any voice-overs. When I receive them, I will re-upload this video.)

1. Rabbi Nassi, Tzvi. The Great Mystery. 1970. p. 6.
2. Archer, Gleason. Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties. Zondervan, 1982.p. 359.
3. Strong, James. Strong's Hebrew Dictionary. #H4261.
4. Irenaeus of Lyons. Adversus Haereses. Ch. XI
5. Metzger, Bruce. "The Documentary Evidence." The Case For Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1998. p.68.

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